Forreston Jr./Sr. High School Compact
Forreston Jr./Sr. High School Compact
An Agreement Between the School, the Student, and the Family
In order for students to take full advantage of the opportunities provided by Forreston Jr./Sr. High School, it is important for all individuals involved in the educational process to actively participate.
Students will:
Be at school on time and ready to learn every day
Demonstrate honesty, responsibility, and respect for the ideas, beliefs, and backgrounds of all students and staff
Ask teachers or parents/guardians for help when necessary
Check academic progress weekly using Skyward and with teachers
Prepare for tests and complete homework on time
Take pride in our school by showing school spirit and participating in extracurricular activities
Be a positive role model
Engage in free reading
Attempt to resolve their own issues and advocate for themselves
Parents/Guardians will:
Support student efforts to be at school on time and to put forth their best effort
Attend school events, including parent-teacher conferences
Support learning at home by making sure homework is completed and academic progress is monitored using Skyward
Review important school policies and procedures by discussing them with their student
Model respect, honesty and responsibility at all times
Volunteer to participate in school functions or parent groups
Communicate openly, honestly and respectfully with teachers and school staff
Encourage students to free read
Encourage students to resolve their own issues and advocate for themselves
Teachers will:
Provide a safe and caring learning environment with consistent expectations for ALL students
Provide quality instruction that is purposeful and relevant
Communicate academic progress regularly through Skyward
Actively pursue professional development
Support extracurricular activities by attending school events and encouraging students to become involved
Model respect, honesty and responsibility at all times
Encourage students to free read
Encourage students to resolve their own issues and advocate for themselves